Just For Today Every Day

I was reading in Psalm 4 this morning and came across verse 5 “Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,…” I do have to say it made me wonder and think. So as I finished my quiet time I began to search for sacrifices of righteousness in the Bible. What does it look like, what does it consist of, how do you do it, how often, where? As all those things flooded my mind I looked at the context and found the gospel message in verse 4. If the reader or hearer of this Psalm obeyed the instruction of verse 4 they obviously would want to know what to do to have salvation. They must not only stop doing evil, they must also learn and struggle to do the right thing even when the wrong thing seems to press upon them. You and I are exhorted to do the same when life gets tough and the road seems uphill we need to kneel at the feet of Jesus at His cross and learn to trust the One who died for you and me. In the picture you can see this child has full confidence in her father who is there to ensure her safety. Our father is there He won’t drop you!!!!

In His Grip

– See more at: https://calvarykaty.org/just-for-today-everyday/#sthash.a00J7IRy.dpuf