[team image=”https://calvarykaty.org/wp-content/themes/forall/images/team2.png” name=”Mark Martinez” title=”Senior Pastor” desc=”Mark Martinez is the Senior Pastor for Calvary Chapel Katy and has been serving the fellowship since 2004. Pastor Mark has a vision for the church becoming a life saving station for those who do not know the LORD. ” column=”3″ twitter=”https://twitter.com/DmarkM” facebook=”https://www.facebook.com/mark.martinez.9083477?fref=ts” ]
[team image=”https://calvarykaty.org/wp-content/themes/forall/images/team2.png” name=”Mike Hererra” title=”Assistant Pastor” desc=”Mike was called to come along side Pastor Mark to serve the fellowship of Calvary Katy. Mike has been a faithful servant to both Pastor Mark and those in the church. ” column=”3″ ]