I was remembering our move 6 years ago to Katy. The anniversary is on the 31st of this month. I have been gone from Albuquerque for 6 years( seems like 6 months). In 6 years we bought our first house, planted Calvary Katy (we love everyone of the peeps that attend), have had 2 kids (we love them too!), had to put down our dog Samson, started a landscape company, my dog Java had 9 puppies(which we still have 4), and a lot of other things that could cause a person to be fearful. On all or most of these occasions I had lost a night or two worth of sleep. There was a battle in my soul fear was trying to take a hold in most of these events. All are very exciting times – one, although was not, but fear had always lingered close to each of the events. As I look back today the Lord reminded me of some things that I wanted to share and as I move into 2010 I know fear will try to break in. I pray this helps you as it does me.
When a leader allows fear to control him…the people he leads ALWAYS lose.
Fear forces a leader to embrace the “way things are” rather than how they should be.
Fear causes a leader to think more about what they have to lose rather than what the Kingdom has to gain.
Fear makes a person depend on their power and ability rather than God’s.
Fear leads to impulsive and unwise decisions rather than prayed through and processed ones.
MY prayer for myself is that I NEVER become obsessed with safety and lose sight of HIS SOVEREIGNTY.
In His Grip
– See more at: https://calvarykaty.org/fear/#sthash.l2Llk1bg.dpuf