True followers of Christ know that “Christianity” is different. They get that it is Jesus and Jesus alone. A true follower that is completely devoted will know and understand the joy that following Jesus allows us to simplify our lives by simply following Jesus. True followers never try to run ahead and should not say “I am going to make a life for myself,” or add following Jesus to their own efforts, thinking those efforts will be better with Him, as if He is a simple ingredient. Instead He is the staple. A true follower will embrace the words He spoke “Follow Me!” He can make something better of your life. Blessed is the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. God created the “things” for our use. A.W.Tozer says, “They were meant to be external to the man and subservient to him.” But when we follow hard after things those good gifts can become ruin for the soul. What do you follow? In His Grip Mark – See more at: